The Four Categories Of Men Women Are Attracted To. (Unrated)

Unoke Imhotep Solomon
10 min readApr 17, 2020

We have all heard the saying “there are plenty fishes in the ocean” right? This is something we like tot tell ourselves the moment we get rejected by that eye candy or feel that that current mate is just too full of themselves.

But before you embark on this particularly risky venture of fishing in the deep sea, you’ll do well to know that 90% of these fishes don’t like you. If you don’t know where to cast your net, then you just might have to date your left hand for a really long time, until luck smiles on you once more.

The homo-sapien( Thinking man) has a lot in common with our not so sapien (Non-thinking) neighbors on this planet. A lot of our choices are quite simpatico, ranging from what we eat, where we go and why we go there and whom we fuck, Oh I’m sorry, whom we have sex with.

Well lets talk about that, I’m sure you’ve also heard the saying that women are mysterious , and that no one really knows what they want, well, that’s not true, we know what they want, at least some of us do.

When it comes to sex and attraction, women couldn’t be less cryptic. There are about four categories of men that women are attracted to, and you’ll be pretty useless to not fall into at least one of these categories.

The Alpha Males
Way down deep in the jungle, the lion en-masses all the lionesses in the area to himself, he calls this his pride, or maybe we named it, that doesn’t matter right now. Point is, getting a pride is not a easy feat for a lion, best believe that there are lions out there that go their entire life without ever getting a single nookie, I bet National Geographic doesn’t tell you that do they, there are lions who as virgins and here’s why;

Ever heard the saying “Survival of the fittest”? That's nature’s way of being a bitch, not giving a damn about your feeling and sensibilities. But don’t hate her just yet, she’s just doing her job, and that making sure that only the strongest genes. However she needs some officers to enforce that law for her, and guess whom she uses, the lionesses.
To get all the females into a pride, a lion has got be the biggest and baddest in the bunch, he’s got beat every other contenders out, Gorillas have the exact problem, you’re thinking you’re not a lion or a gorilla, so you’re cool with your muscleless arms and chest right? well not quite.

This trait is present in a large percentage of human females too, otherwise you gotta ask why so many guys find the need to get so jacked up, they won’t be selling if no one is buying you know. In their defence, this trait is the oldest, the most primal instinct of a woman tells her to seek out a big strong man who can provide and protect her from harm. So basically we got ourselves a bunch of cave women out there.

However, over the years and hunting and gathering styles evolved and took a new shape, the definition of a alpha male became less about size and strength and became more about money and power. But then physical size and strength has never stopped being a turn on for women out there. So if as a man you find yourself in this category, rejoice for your cup runneth over with women. All you got to do is flash that car key, boss someone around or flex that muscle and these ladies get wet, believe me when I say not so many guys have it that easy.

The Cuties
Here comes the second category, a common requirement among birds is beauty. To get some sweet sweet bird tail, all you need do is flippy flap those beautiful wings of yours and wait for them birds to twit about you and bring more birds until you’re swimming in bird tails.

Oh, you’re not exactly a bird are you, well I guess the human term is “ Tall and Handsome”, you just gotta be cute. Everybody loves pretty things , that's why they say “ Don’t judge a book by it’s cover” but if you think that people actually listen to this very wise saying, you might be more naïve than you’d admit, because that’s exactly how people judge things(books), by their covers.
It doesn’t help to know that most fancy covers only houses pieces of shit, but take solace in knowing that before these ladies would go all Sherlock Homes on you and unravel you to find that you’re full of shit, you would have gotten the nookie at that time, if you move fast enough.
Just so we’re clear, this piece is not a love finders guide, its a cookie finders guide, hence the title “ Beginners guide”.
If you’re not already drowning in it, then that means you’re one of those young superheroes who don’t yet know their the strength, but don’t you worry because professor Xavier is here to teach you a few tatts for them tits. Just hold on for a bit while we touch the other two categories quickly.
The Talented
You may not enjoy the toad’s croaking during the rainy season, but the chicks dig it, I mean the toad chicks, whatever they are called, while these sound annoys the hell out of you, these toad chicks bend over, heads down ass up while dripping wet for them.
A toad’s ability to croak is like a humans ability to run, while clearly all humans can run as all male toads can croak, some humans obviosly run faster and better than others, therefore the more talented toads have the louder more annoyiing croaks. Beavers build bridges and some birds species buid amazing nest just to show off their fancy cribs to the birds chicks, and get laid.

You see, talents won’t just bring you before kings and queens, they’ll also bring you face to face with some pussay, that’s if you’re a eater, and you better be. Gotta showcase some of the talents there. Some women are more evolved than others, and while this is a trait found among animals, I personally think it take a more evolved woman to look beyond looks, money and power to be with you for your talents.

However, this isn’t applicable in all cases, popular talented musicians and actors get a lot of attraction from women, but one can hardly call these women evolved because popularity is synonymous to wealth and power, so that brings a lot of category one women along. So for a man in this category, your audience isn’t as large as the hot men and the wealthy or powerful ones, but you get some of the top shelf genius vags out there, that’s gotta count for something.

The Brianiacs

This isn’t a trait you’ll find in a specific animal species, as it is scarce, but best believe there are women out there who get wet for the brains. Intelligent get a win here, and trust me, they need one. These guys are not the swaggiest or most good looking guys out there, but they are some of the people who really needs to get laid the most, gotta cool down that engine of a brain right? These brainiacs are born with highest brain powers and IQ’s but they have the least social skills or boldness, and sadly, these are the skills needed the most to win over a woman.

The fact that these geniuses are not found in just one category really limits the cookie chances, Their fields are so wild spread and void of women that several of them never shared a class with a girl all through college. There sure is a silver lining here, seeing that we have such diverse fields where these Brainiacs are found, it is worthwhile to note that some of these fields attract women more than others, writing for instance is a chick magnet, I would know. So perhaps write her something beautiful that makes her forget just how ugly you are . As it turns out, words just so happen to be one of the major thing that works the ladies alongside money and looks.
However if your genius is not in the show business , you might need to do your own showcasing. It wouldn’t help anyone if you’re stuck in your mama’s basement, hidden away from the rest of the world while you’re writing the most elegant computer programs or building badass computer softwares under a fake alias, nookies are not gonna come searching for you in there when “THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE”.

You gotta step out and show up at conferences , comic cons etc to show off that genius while obviously pretending like you’re trying not to. Ladies love that.

You see how this whole attraction works is this, people are attracted to that trait they wish they had . If all you want is perfectly symmetrical and connected beards, you’ll find yourself somewhat attracted to guys who do, however not sexually but for a girl who wishes she read more, quoting that many books is definitely a turn on.

If you’re in a gathering of your peers, then don’t be too shy to speak up, you are after all the alpha here, so do flaunt a little, get her attention and proceed to stage 2.

Stage 2. Sealing the deal…

This goes for all the categories, I’ll try to touch each one briefly to help you land this. One fact is, every woman wants sex, well at least most them do, excluding the super religious and the weirdos, we don’t want those anyway.
Women enjoy sex more than you do, but they can’t tell you that or show it because its wired into the animals to have males do the chasing while the females pretend they don’t want it. Secondly, women in these categories are more likely to fall in love with you, so this just might be more about love than sex and its also worth noting that a woman might love you and at the same time not want to have sex with you.

Take me for example, I’m a sapiosexual, I’d fall easily in love with a big brained woman, but I also love them big booties, so naturally I wanna lay a big booty woman, not a big brained one, its needless to say that these two traits rarely swim together in the same pool. In the same way, a woman could love that you’re faster than Hussein Bolt or code like a guru or that you sing better than angels but still wanna bang the life out of Chris Helmsworth.

So while she just might be in love with that brain, that talent or money with (exception for the guys in category 2 they are technically Chris Hemsworths) you just might not give the right amount of female boners needed to mount you, and since this article is about boning not loving, we need to workshop that.

Before we go there, I’m sure you’re asking the question, “how do I know if she’s into me”. Well this part is a little tricky because there are no change in color, no wagging of tails, basically not much of a tell other than her eyes.
If a woman is into you, all the tell there is her eyes.

Whenever a person is excited about something or aroused, their pupil dilate a little or a lot depending on how excited they are, but if she has dark brown eyes, you just might not be able to tell still if her pupils dilated , but you can definitely tell she’s looking at you differently. Does her eyes appear to be wider? Does she linger while starring or is she smiling at you? You gotta read all these little cues.

The mechanics of this tell is a little more than I’m qualified to explain here, but that’s what I read. I gathered the girl you’re trying to impress has been a subject of your curiosity for at least a few munities , hours or days. If you have been working her angle for a while, I’m pretty sure you can tell subtle difference in her appearance or countenance.

Now that she’s into you
Now that you know she’s into you, how do you play this?
If you’re not already the everyday cassanova, knowing what to do at such times might be problematic. So how do you proceed when you get the green. First, the fact that a woman is into you is not a definite invitation for sex, so no sudden moves.

She likes you, now you have to make her comfortable and want you, but if you have nothing at that moment, give yourself some time to build up, don’t ruin it. However do not take too long, you are not the only candidate here.

Here’s what to do, initiate a conversation with her on the topic at hand, say you displayed a good swimming ability and her face lit up, then start up a conversation about swimming, try to be funny but don’t clown yourself.
When the conversation concludes or one of you have to go *its best if you leave first*, ask for her number, however try not to use direct words like “ please give me your number” or “ can I have your number?”, surprising, women are sometimes triggered to say the opposite of what they mean when they hear these words. Instead, try something more like “I’d like to continue this conversation some other time” , she might say “me too” then simply pass her your phone.

You can also try “ I really enjoyed talking to you, lets do that again, perhaps over Whatsapp?”, if she says “Ok” or stays quiet, give her your phone, get the number and wave goodbye.
I have brought you this far, but if this article seems a little coarse, its because i had to return to it several times to finish and its a little longer than most of my essays or opinion pieces, so bear with me.

In conclusion, know your category or categories if you’re that lucky and don’t waste time with ladies who are not interested in you.

