We are all stuck, Everyone is stuck somewhere

Unoke Imhotep Solomon
7 min readJul 14, 2020

Nobody asked to be born, no one planned out their trip to earth.

One moment two people think they’re so in love, or can’t hold their urges any longer and then decide to penetrate each other and then nine months later, here you come.

You are born into a world that’s struggling to figure itself out, into a species that’s trying to find meaning to its existence, into a race with bad, sad, oppressed or despised history.

You instantly inherit responsibilities and embody expectations, but the sad part is, you don’t know this instantly, you’re slowly being set up for a lifestyle that suits the standards of your progenitor.

Your abilities are limited, but you’re constantly told you be whatever you want and do whatever you want, well as long as they approve.

Your options are limited depending on your race, which country you’re born into and which family you’re related to, yet much is expected of you, but in the worst cases, not much is expected of you.

In the bad cases, people just want you to stay in your place, be and do exactly what your people are known for, its in your blood, its in your character, and you can’t deny it because you feel it, you know it, there’s nothing you can do about, its a part of you and you’re stuck with it.

When you were young and naïve, you dreamt, your mind and heart were wide as the horizon from the top of a mountain.

You soared in your heart, you reached for the moon, you believed everything they told you, they said you can do whatever you want and you believed it, they said you can be whatever you want and you believed it.

Your imaginations were wild, you didn’t see an end, you dreamt of striding across the stars, your horizons were faint and distanced, your heart was full of bliss.

You dreamt of flying with the eagles, you would touch the sky and tuck some cloud in your pocket, you truly believed anything was possible, but then you had to grow up.

One thing you should have asked earlier, or perhaps someone should have brought it to your attention earlier, and that was to ask some questions. If anyone could be whatever they wanted, why are the people you see around you what they are right now, is that what they wanted?

Why are so many poor, sick, sad, depressed, why, why…?

No one told you to ask these questions, perhaps they could have prepared you, why did they lie instead, why didn’t they just tell the truth?

You soon realize they believed this lie once, yes they were told the exact same thing and they bought it, but did they ever find out the truth about it all, or are they still believing the fantasy? You guessed they are, they are still hopeful, still living a fantasy.

You grow older and older and as time passes you realize you’ve been set up. Set up for obstacles and disasters. You find burdens waiting to be hanged on your shoulders, responsibilities waiting to be carried by you.

You grow to know members of your kin, to embody the stereotypes of your people, to bare the burden of you history and make amends for crimes you didn’t commit.

You want to vindicate yourself but you find you’re quickly becoming part of a culture, you are now a tradition, and quickly becoming a part of history.

You ask yourself if you would have done anything differently in the past, if you lived earlier, would you have made the same mistakes, committed the same crimes or could you have lived above it.

You’re not sure, because here you are in this present time doing just the same things your people do. Your life was chosen for you, you never asked to be born, why should more be expected of you than anyone else.

You’ve come to realize that you’re stuck here, just like everyone else.

Every soul on the planet is stuck somewhere or in something. And though the levels or severity may differ, the feeling is almost exactly the same.

Some people are stuck in a severe illness, what’s worse is, they didn’t bring it on themselves because they were reckless, they’re not sick because they didn’t follow the rules you did or pay less attention than you did, they’re sick because the wrong set of guys decided to have sex.

You find people are stuck with congenital heart problems because they were born with it, some people can’t have sweet things because they inherited diabetes, and some people are blind because they never opened their eyes since birth, some did but the organ just didn’t work, they never saw anything.

And then you find some people dying before they ever any had a chance to live, their lives have been of constant pain because of some abnormal growth in their body, they call it cancer. And some are just constantly sick because their parents were the wrong pair, they call that sickle cell.

Then you wonder who’s idea it was to keep bringing people here. Its a trap, everyone is only getting stuck.

It would seem like the situation gets simpler as the severity becomes less chronic, but these feelings are individual and cannot be shared or experienced on a collective level, and so the dude with a toothache feels as though his life is ending, he has little regard for the pain of the guy with blown off limbs.

These pains might be different but to the person in it, it feels the same, because pain is actually in the mind of the man it embodies.

As you go on, you find people stuck in prison, some incarcerated to deadly crimes, some incarcerated for being a particular skin color. Some are incarcerated because someone needs a raise or wants to cover up his own crimes.

A man sits in jail and watches time pass by, years and years go by while he feels he could have done great things with his time, but sadly, he’s stuck, stuck between the four walls of a jail house. Stuck in the law created by a man like himself. Just stuck.

When you think it gets better, then you go on and you find people stuck in wants and needs.

You find people who are stuck in a societal strata designed by the elite groups to keep themselves in power and retain their dominance. You find people stuck in a circle of meager living, struggling to find food, without much regard for their clothes or quality of shelter, they just want to eat.

And then there are those who have just enough to eat and nothing left to save. They would love to explore the world, they have potential, solutions to problems plaguing the planet, but they’re stuck, stock in needs, and the world being cruel simply assumes no good can come from such low places.

The world is usually right about this, these people are usually too busy trying to make enough to eat that they seldom make time to think about what’s left to explore in the world.

Many of the reasons people get stuck has nothing to do with them or their choices, but humans being what they are after being brought into life and programed to become as everyone else is. After constant molding and reforming, a child loses all his/her unique values and slowly becomes as the society requires.

The problem with being one with the society is, you get to repeat the mistakes that everyone else is making. They seek validation in the wrong arms, cherish the things that fade and adore the things with no real value.

Humans are known for constantly being stuck in bad relationships, rich young men have wondered into the arms of vicious women with pretty faces and gorgeous bodies since time in memorial, and young beautiful women have long fallen for strong powerful or wealthy men who have been constantly abusive and soul wrenching, that they contemplate suicide.

Many have gone ahead to take their own lives while many have been stuck, they had to stay.

While many are the cause for their misery, many are victims of culture and religion. In many places across the world women are married away to men as old as their fathers and sometimes grand father at ages so early they don’t even know what it means to be humans yet.

They live their entire live in subjugation and marital slavery, although more severe, the feelings remain mutual.

For a very few, their life is what everyone else wants, they already inhabit the tip of the pyramid, they have everything they could want, and everything a man needs. But since human wants knows no satisfaction, they are stuck in their wants.

They want what no human has, they want to live forever, they are stuck in the fear that mortality brings with it, they are afraid there isn’t enough time to live enough. After all, we all live once and nobody know what’s on the other side. And so they are stuck in time, in a very short time.

All these levels have different severity, but he who suffers it, feels the exact same way.

And finally, some of us are stuck on this planet, when all we want is to explore the universe, to see who else is out there, to bask in the awe and endless horizon of the universe.

One could say that we are stuck in the wrong time, born too late to explore the planet but also too early to explore the universe.

Everyone is stuck, we are all stuck…

